1. Basic Theory
In 1821 a German physicist named Seebeck discovered the thermoelectric effect which forms the basis of modern thermocouple technology. He observed that an electric current flows in a closed circuit of two dissimilar metals if their two junctions are at different temperatures. The thermoelectric voltage produced depends on the metals used and on the temperature relaionship between the junctions. If the same temperature exists at the two junctions, the voltage produced at each junction cancel each other out and no current flows in the circuit. With different temperatures at each junction, different voltage are produced and current flows in the circuit. A thermocouple can therefore only measure temperature differences between the two junctions, a fact which dictates how a practical thermocouple can be utilised.
Fig. 1
It is important to designate each of the junctions for practical purpose; the measuring junction (often referred to as the "hot" junctions) is that which is exposed to measured temperature. The reference junction is the other junction which is kept at a known temperature; this is often referred to as the "cold" junction. The term thermocouple referred to the complete system for producing thermal voltages and generally implies an actual assembly (i.e. a sheathed device with extension leads or terminal block.) The two conductors and associated measuring junction constitute a thermoelement and the individual conductors are identified as the positive or negative leg.
Developments in theoretical aspects of thermoelectricity under the influence of solid-state physic has resulted in a rather different explanation of thermocouple activity. This is that the thermoelectric voltage is generated in the thermocouple wires only in the temperature gradient existing between the "hot" and "cold" junctions and not in the junctions themselves. Whilst this is a fundamental conceptual difference to established theory, the way in which thermocouples are currently used is generally successful in practical terms. However, this explanation of thermocouple behaviour must be borne in mind when calibrating the sensor or indeed when using it for relatively high precision thermometry.
Thermoelectric voltages are very small and at best attain a few tens of microvolts per degree Censius. In consequence, practical thermocouples are mainly used at elevated temperatures, above say 100ฐC and at depressed temperatures, below -50ฐC; however with appropriate measuring instruments they can be used at any value within their operational range. In some applications, the reference junction may be held at some temperature other than 0ฐC, for example in liquid gas or a heated enclosure; in any event, the measured "output" will correspond to the difference temperature between the two junctions.
Fig. 2
Note Thermocouples are always formed when two different metals are connected together. For example, when the thermoelement conductors are jointed to copper cable or terminals, thermal voltages can be generated at the transition (see fig. 2). In this case, the second junction can be taken as located at the connection point (assuming the two connections to be thermally common). The temperature of this connection point (terminal temperature) if known. allows computation of the temperature at the measuring junction. The thermal voltage resulting from the terminal temperature is added to the measured voltage and their sum corresponds to the thermal voltage against a 0ฐC reference.
e.g. if the measuring junction is at 300ฐC and the terminal temperature is 25ฐC, the measured thermal voltage for the type K thermoelement (Nickel-Chromium v Nickel-Aluminium) is 11.18mV. This corresponds to 275ฐC difference temperature. A positive correction of 25ฐC refers the temperature to 0ฐC; 300ฐC is thus indicated.
2. Thermocouple Practice
2.1 Terminating the Thermocouple
A practical industrial or laboratory thermocouple consists of only a single (measuring) junction; the reference is always the terminal temperature. If the terminal temperature is other than controlled and stable, procedures are necessary to deal with the situation. Possible measures are :-
a) Measure the terminal temperature accurately and compensate accordingly in calculating the measured value.
b) Locate the terminals in a thermally controlled enclosure
c) Terminate not in copper cable but use compensating or actual thermocouple wire to extend the sensor termination to the associated instrumentation (compensating cable uses low cost alloys which have similar thermoelectric properties to the actual thermoelement). On this basis, there is no thermal voltage at the thermocouples termination. The transition to copper then occurs only at the instrument terminals where the ambient temperature can be measured by the instrument; the reference junction can then be compensated for electronically.
Fig. 3